サポート情報(GUARDIANWALL Mailセキュリティ・クラウド)
  • 文字サイズ変更
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  • No : 1725
  • 公開日時 : 2022/08/29 00:00
  • 印刷

How can I download attachments from the "Attachment Download Site" using a "Google account"?


This procedure works if your email address is a Google account.
You can download the attached file if the attached file is published to the login e-mail address.
  1. Go to the attachment download site sent by the sender.

  2. Click "Login with Google Account" on the attachment download site.

  3. Enter your email address and click "Next".

  4. Enter your password and click "Next".

  5. If authentication is successful, a list of attached files will be displayed. Click the name of the file you want to download to download it.


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