• No : 1749
  • 公開日時 : 2022/10/26 07:49
  • 印刷

【For Recipent】What should I if received an e-mail with a download link, but the URL is not hyperlinked and I cannot access it.


Generally, when a URL is included in a received text mail, the mailer detects the URL and automatically adds a hyperlink.
If the URL of a text mail containing a download link is displayed as is, please enable hyperlinking in the mailer's settings.

◆Example configuration (for Microsoft Outlook 2016)

  1. Click on Outlook [File] > [Options].
  2. Click on [Mail] > [Editing Options] > [AutoCorrect Options].
  3. On the [AutoFormat] tab, check and enable "Change Internet and network addresses to hyperlinks".
For information on how to set up other mailers, please contact their respective mailer providers or refer to their references.